The practical essence of Buddhism lies in meditation. The basic meaning of the word meditation is growth. That is, the growth of the mind. The function here is to set the mind on a purpose and develop it.
Growth is the Pali word meaning “meditation”. Concentration of mind is the growth of agreement. It is twofold as Samatha and Vipassana. “Bhavethithi Bhavana Bhavethi Etayathi Bhavana” Mind development is also known as meditation.
Samatha meditation existed in India or India long before the birth of the Buddha, in the world of sending or in Greece, China and some western countries. According to Theravada Dhamma, all forms of meditation are divided into two parts, Samatha and Vidarshana. Samatha meditation subdues defilement and attains harmony with the established mind called Dhyana. The concentration here is that the merit mind agrees. But in Vipassana meditation, the defilement is subdued and it is realized and Nirvana is realized. Some people find it difficult to meditate because they have not learned how to give up meditation.
According to the sermon on “Seele Pathittaya Naro Sapanjo Chitthan Panjan Cha Bhavayang” the mind and wisdom should increase in the seela is the foundation of meditation. Meditation is the development of the mind and wisdom.
The seal should be improved. Meditation develops through seela, wisdom through meditation, and seela through wisdom. Meditation can be used not only mentally but also physically as a means of relieving physical discomfort. They should consider their meditation as something superior to everything else and do it with the utmost respect and love. It is a great thing to meditate today with the idea of meditating to attain Nibbana, not to experiment or to perform meritorious deeds or to practice Sasara.
The meditative gift is the highest of the meritorious deeds. Meditation is also the main way to attain the purgatory of sins. “Chitthan Samathithi Samatho” Meditation calms the mind. There are forty purposes that can be applied to Samatha meditation. It is called Karmasthana or Kamahatan. These are Dasa Kasina (10), Dasa Asubha (10), Dasa Anussati (10), Brahma Vihara, (4), Chathuraruppa (4), Ahare Patikula Sannava, and Chathudhatuwattana.
In the Vipassana meditation system, there is a sapta purity. 1. Purity of Virtue, 2. Purity of Mind, 3. Purity of Vision, 4. Purity of Kanksha Vitarana, 5. Purity of Maggamagga Gnana Darshana, 6. Purity of Pratipada Gnana Darshana and 7. Purity of Gnana Darshana.
J., a philosopher who lived in India in recent times. Krishna Murthy says about meditation: “Meditation is not an escape from this world. It is not an act of isolation and self-centeredness, but an understanding of the world and its values. That is.
The meditation method introduced by the Supreme Buddha is said to bring complete mental health, peace and tranquility. Furthermore, the Satipatthna Sutta is a very important Sutta regarding meditation. Its method of meditation is related to life. It has to do with the common things we do every day, the joys and sorrows, the conversations, the thoughts, the intellectual tasks.
According to Buddhism, the true meaning of the word meditation is to grow or develop the mind. The meditation shown in Buddhism is to attain Dhamma realization through right faith, by liberating the mind from the defilements that defile the mind, by attaining mental concentration and by gaining more wisdom through good determination.