The Vesak lantern is the Buddha sang
Recalling the births of Gautama Buddha’s birthday, Enlightenment and Parinirvana, the Upasu Wesak Feast is set to take precedence over the Sri Lankan Buddhist people in the first place.
In Sri Lanka, the four Shandarana Buddhist flags have been hoisted. In some places, the Buddhist flag can be seen up and displayed. It is also a sad event. The Buddhist community in Sri Lanka is very impressed with the display of a lampstand in addition to the Buddhist flags, a lampstand for poor people and a temple for the Buddha. We have also seen other religious people also hung in a lantern and join the trumpet.
A wide range of lanterns can be seen throughout Sri Lanka. We have also seen some of the intaglide nests, lotus flowers (stars, planes, ships, threeways) that are being prepared. In addition to this, large scale cages were also made available for the Vesak celebration and it was customarily displayed within a month. These lanterns are widely used in Sri Lanka for the Atapattam Nest. The ability to display and display the Athapathmata Nestle is simple and easy. For this reason, the majority of Buddhists prefer to create an octagonal nest.
But it seems that the Atapattam Nest was the handiwork of the talented artists before, including the supreme philosophy of Buddhism. The message to us is very much in view of this Atapathic Ninja when it comes to the journey of sorrow and ultimately vipers.
We can teach in the Atapattam kennel (a variety of color waves series) (covetousness, hatred, deafness). It was placed on the top and bottom of the cell and was emptied of it to tell about the birth and death. Sorrow on the Sustaining Masses Four centuries old (Jathi, Jirah, Math, Death) which are said about reincarnation
Collect shows.
Additionally, it tells us eloquent sections of the upper three-chamber shape (the Noble Eight Path).
Through the Arya Path (the sadness, the grief, the sorrowing of sorrows, the path to the slaughter of sorrows), the Four Noble Truth clearly tells us in the Atapattam’s lantern.
The shrapnel paper of the Atapattam kelmith shows us that it is being made out of the light from the light.
The lotus flower is a great message in the Buddhist culture with the Atapattam nest which is very costly. Apart from that, it is necessary to question whether the cats with different shapes, including the star, have a light poison for the Lord Buddha.
However, the Buddhists rallied to sacrifice their bats and bring home the cage of the house towers made from plastic in the market today. The lanterns used for various festivals in foreign markets also come to our homes for the Vesakaya. Notice how appropriate they are.
The 2563th Vesak Festus is a great day for the Sri Lankan Buddhist people and the people of the world. There are many Vesak lanterns in various places in Sri Lanka, including terns, dansals and choirs. Many people enjoy themselves in Vesak zones because they are festive. The birth, greatness, and greatness of a great master are enriched in our spirituality. It was due to the brutal terrorist attack that erupted on Easter Sunday.
It is the duty and responsibility to join a true Vesak celebration in the process of adhering to Buddhism, which has been given to the Buddha in preaching the Buddha’s preaching day.