It is every person’s responsibility and commitment to add a healthy, nutritious meal to his family table. Even though this is a responsibility of the mother several decades ago, it is a matter of commendation that it is the responsibility of all members of the family in modern society. However, they have an interest in the public in the management of these foods in controlling and controlling the use of poisonous chemicals in pesticides, chemical fertilizers, weedicides and other environments. As a result, organic foods grown without poisonous chemicals are becoming increasingly popular in today’s society. But do you know that we are poisoning ourselves in cooking food?
The coloring of dietary color increases the appearance of foods and increases appetite. But these artificial foods are divided into two types of pigments, the preferred food color, and pigments that are not approved for food. Currently approved artificial food coloring in Sri Lanka is,
Carmoisine, Ponceau 4R, Erythrosine, Allura red, Sunset yellow FCF, Tartrazine, Indigotine, Indigo Carmine, Brilliant Blue FCF and Fast Green FCF.
Research suggests that Sunset yellow causes changes in the chromosomes. Therefore, it is possible that such coloring may lead to the development of disease-causing diseases, such as injecting them into cancers. Certain dietary pills help children to develop hyperactive disease. Tartrazine (E 102), Quinoline yellow (E 104), Sunset yellow FCF (E 110), Carmosine (E 122), Ponceau 4R (E 124) and Allura red (E 129) Color. The E value with this pigment is given for approved foods for European countries.
These dyes contain a large amount of soft drinks such as soft drinks, ice packets, sweets, cakes and ice cream. Research shows that if your baby is suffering from an overactive or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), it’s best to avoid eating it. However, since these genetics and other causes are present, these foods can not be achieved by removing this food. Therefore, it is necessary to study the diet and behavior of the child and change the diet on the advice of the doctor. Some also eat edible foods with high concentrations. The fact that they are not known is that although the recommended food coloring is high concentrations, it is also harmful to the body.
Therefore, the recommended food color should be at least used. While children are colorful and pigmented, it can prevent them from eating such pigments. In a school in Sri Lanka, a group of children with colored colors and pigments did not buy pigments when they bought only ice cream. This indicates that proper education for children can lead to good dietary habits. Similarly, food producers also refrain from adding foods such as pigments, etc. Also, it is important to avoid unnecessary synthetic pigments for home cooking. Instead of the artificial coloring, instead of cochinals, β-carotene, primroses, curry, turmeric, and anthocyanin, such as insects such as tantalus, and natural food pigments obtained from plants.
It is common to add ‘monogamy glutamate (MSG)’ to the diet with the interest of Chinese food methodologies in modern society. Our research has shown that the mono-sodium glutamate (MSG) reduces the life of a nematode-causing laboratory patient (University of Sri Jayewardenepura).
This nematode man has a genetic similarity of 80%. Therefore, these chemicals can also contribute to the shortening of human life. Other research has indicated that these chemicals cause kidney disease.
This affects the brain function, and studies used in rats show that this chemical substance rapidly reduces the activity of mice due to the molecular changes in the brain’s hypoetal area. Although the third edition of the International Headache Classification (ICHD-III beta) is a chemical that can cause headache of mono-sodium glutamate (MSG), some of the tests do not indicate a significant difference in the control test and the controlled test, It’s possible.
During the pregnancy, mono sodium glutamate (MSG) in pregnant monkeys was very high in mono sodium glutamate (MSG). These studies suggest that eating with sodium glutamate (MSG) in pregnancy can affect the fetus badly. Some food producers consider it essential to make sodium glutamate for buttu and asparagus rice. But at the same time, such a meal can be requested from A’inomoto.
And salt is also important. Eating high-fat foods leads to high blood pressure. The UK’s National Health Service has said that high blood pressure is often not associated with symptoms and is unaware that many people are suffering from high blood pressure. An adult should consume 6 times a day for sodium, 2.4 to sodium. This is approximately one teaspoon of salt.
It should be remembered that in addition to the salt that we add to the diet, the amount of salt added to the foods producers and the natural salts that we collect from the salt should not be exceeded. Daily salt depends on the age of the child.
Age from 1 to 3 years – 2 years
From 4 to 6 years old – 3 years
From 7 to 10 years old – 5 years
Over 11 years old – 6 years
The kidneys of children under the age of 0 to 12 months are not well developed, they are more likely to eat more salt than 1 day a day. Breastfeeding children receive salts and salons through their mother’s milk. Baby infants, specially made for infants, include salt and salts for the day. Therefore, do not mix the baby’s food with salt.
Particular attention should be paid to the amount of salt that is given to other family members for feeding infants. Douglas, cheese, yeast, soy sauce, soup cubes, pickles, dried shrimp, salted cashew and peanuts are the main ingredients of salt. This diet should be limited to the diet. Also, because we are addicted to salt, we can learn to eat low salinity by reducing the amount of salt added to it regularly.
We are currently researching salt and food colorants at the Sri Lanka Medical Research Institute together with the Nutrition Unit of the Sri Lanka Medical Research Institute.
What we all know is that diabetes should be reduced by using sugar. But excessive sugaring causes obesity to healthy people, and obesity can lead to some cancers, heart disease and diabetes. As salt as well as sugar is an addictive substance, it can be systematically reduced by low-sugar foods. An adult should eat at least 30 sugar per day (about 7 teaspoons of sugar) and a child between the ages of 7 and 10
24 teaspoons (about 6 teaspoons of sugar), a child for 4 to 6 years old (about 5 teaspoons) for a period of 4 years. This includes sugar in other foods, besides the amount of sugar used in tea making. These sugar sugars are sugars that contain tea, confectionery, fruit juices and soft drinks. But we do not have to control the natural content of fruits, vegetables and milk in the sugar.
In addition to salt, sugar, food pigments and Anoromoto (MSG), we should be careful when cooking. It’s about adding fat or fat to the food. Fat oil is saturated into two classes, saturated and unsaturated. Here we should be concerned about reducing all oils overall, and preparing foods for unsaturated oils instead of saturated fat. This is because research shows that saturated fat causes heart disease.
Saturated oils are often contained in meat and dairy products and should be encouraged to fish at meat rather than meat. The processed meats cause cancer in humans, according to the American Cancer Society. Often saturated oil is saturated, but coconut oil is saturated. Whether coconut oil is harmful or harmful to the body is debated. Oily oil is the cause of disease-free foods, but oil is an ingredient in foods. Cell culture and energy requires the body for oil. But the oil that does not use energy as a source of energy is obstructed. This is a plethora of diseases.
Therefore, fat should be contained in edible fats. Adult males should not get more than 30 g of saturated fats per day and an adult for 20 minutes per day for an older woman. Minimizing eating should be minimized as well as saturated fat and trans fatty acids. This type of trans fat is often naturally occurring in foods and is rich in hybridized and margarine-forming foods. The sale of oil-rich foods in many advanced countries has been stopped.
As in Sri Lanka, in developing countries, the public will be educated about how to stop selling such food in food stores. Transfusions should not be given over 5g of type oil a day. Some omega-3 and omega-6-unsaturated oils are essential for the body and are essential for the body to be taken from the diet, which we can not produce. These essential oils include fish varieties such as mackerel, salmon, sadein, and sunflower oil and corn oil. Therefore, it is appropriate to add such food.
We may be tempted to take out those fungus fragrances in the matured (molded) foods. But the fungi and fungus network grows in the inner part of the diet, but only the spit areas of the fungus appear to us. Some fungi produce a tumor chemical called aflatoxins. The most common of these is the Aspergillus flavus, which is responsible for the production of these toxic chemicals in peanuts.
The meat and milk derived from the foods that contain poisonous chemicals contain the same chemicals. Also, the milk of dairy-breastfeeding eating mothers that contain poisonous chemicals also contain poisonous chemicals. It also enters the child who nourishes the poisonous chemicals. Therefore, you should not consume food that has been expired and augmented.
When consumers are aware, food producers will also focus on producing healthy foods. The cooking process can be eaten better if it is eaten in a plastic wrap, and you can wrap it in the banana leaf. Also, the processed foods such as silly, lime, tamarind, tomatoes, gerkawels, etc., should never be cooked in aluminum pots, such as aluminum. Since metallic acid (sour) is dissolved in the body, it is possible to pass the metabolism to the metals.
In this way, when buying, processing and eating foods, focusing on food colorants, MSGs, salt content, sugar content, oil, fat and expiration date, there are no metals such as acidic food clay, glass By cooking and serving in the jars, we will be able to add a healthy, nutritious meal to our dining table.