Since the childhood, every word from the very words of Buddhism from every child of Buddhism is called “paw-pin”. It is almost unknown to a Buddhist. Other scholars, of course, know this, but they do not know this. They also have this word that Buddhists always use.
Every good act is a charity. Often, the younger and the younger are growing up as we need to do after the death is gone. There is evidence that people used to worship in the past. In our Mahavamsa it is said that the great King Tissagiera worked as a pawn and a felicidal servant to give alms to the devotees.
King Saddhatissa ordered that a chicken be killed to investigate the devotion of one subscriber named Tissa, but he refused. A farmer named Uththamodhana, who did not even want to keep panting, has been thrown into the vicinity of a swimmer’s neck, in our books.
In order to save his mother’s life, a cleric called Wakka did not want to kill a furuk.
This is how “the history of Sri Lanka’s ancient history” depicts a story that demonstrates the psychological strength of a devoted deputy and of his position in society:
“A Chancellor who was a trainee also did not obey the orders of the royal elephants. The abundant Chandalas did not heed orders given by Barinna, to break his chaitanya with his seven sons. Even when giving such an order, Sirin called him the “friend” and not an ordinary word. This suggests that a tutor was highly regarded by his social position. ”
That’s what our old people hated. His dexterity and the protector was to refrain from sinning and the conduct of the Dhamma.
“Dhammovo Hawe Rakkathi is dhammarish
Dhammo Sugino Sugomolaharathy ”
The one who behaves in the Dhamma is certainly protected by the Dhamma. The goodness of the Dhamma has been removed. Its Dhamma is virtuous.
“Pangnun Che Guysu Kyra
Curtain Prank
These are the voting choices
Sukhno Punishment Peak ”
The devotee should do it often; Desirable to desire. Sacrificing the merit of happiness.
If you are practicing pinches you will have much better use. The correct judgment of the ransom is given by the Gautama Buddha. There are many more evidence that the devotees have done meritorious deeds before the Buddha.
Meditation, meditation, meditation, and then. At that time, the pilgrims were “given” and the Mahamayāya was “obsessed with” and “Asheitha” had been born in the Buddhist literature.
But then there was no clear knowledge of charitable deeds and of how to do them. With the advent of the Buddha, it became possible to have a systematic knowledge of the world’s extravagance.
May the Noble Triple Gem Bless You!