Selvadurai Mahalalingam was born on January 16, 1926 in Alaviwadi, Jaffna peninsula as a proud son of the motherland. Mahalangam’s mother Nagamma Sella Saraswathie. Father Selvadurai. At the same time, his father, Selvadarai, went to the Malay, or modern-day Malaysia. With that, the little Mathalangam and his family went to Malaya. He received both elementary and secondary education from Maxwell College, Victoria and Victoria College in Malaya. He retired to school at age twenty-eight years and received a first class of engineering including the Sri Lanka Technological College.
Later, he joined the University of Peradeniya, where he entered the Engineering Faculty. He was weighed in with Perera.
He studied Civil Engineering but studied mechanics for future generations. In the era of Internet access as it was today, not only were imported technical equipment to provide in-house engineering students, but also some of them were produced within the university. Even so, he never wanted to bring fame into his name. He obtained his PhD from London Sheffield University, the first Sri Lankan engineer to obtain a PhD from an engineering field.
It also gives the world a theory on vibration. How many of his students have been devoted to the educational development of his students can see the model engines in mechanical engineering. The equipment from the watch to the aircraft engine has been placed in even the most striking cross-bars.
Everything else surpasses everything at the faculty of Engineering at the faculty of Engineering. To this day, you will see a engine of a jet engine. The engine of the Peradeniya University’s engineering faculty has got a glimpse of greatness and greatness. The speaker was Professor Selvadurai Maha Lingam….
He came to Peradeniya from the outskirts of Jaffna, where he loved to Peradeniya and retired after his retirement with his wife, Peradeniya. When did anybody inquire whether they were heading to Jaffna? “Where should I go?” This is my home. ”
In time, his wife, Deokee, died. Later Jaffna relatives were taken to Jaffna and taken care of.
Born in Jaffna on Earth, the great scholar was a universal scholar not only in Jaffna or Sri Lanka. He was a proud son of the motherland who did not have a man who owed him an empty man or country. The end of the ninety millennium has come to a mile post and has left the world on November 3, 2015.
After leaving the great monk, his colleagues from Sri Lanka who were living overseas and came to Peradeniya University to make a request through the Mahalingam Foundation to establish the scholarship “Mahaalangam Scholarship”. In addition, he was given the Mahalalingam Scholarship for the University of Jaffna for his dignity.
Today, I am reminded of the knowledge, dedication, valor of today’s glory and the mechanical engineering section of the Peradeniya University. His picture of the machine is a symbol of his conviction that he is not a teacher, but a teacher god teacher.