The US president’s daughter, Iwanka Trap is on a tour in the Netherlands.
She said she had gone there to participate in an innovation award ceremony.
The daughter of US President Donald Tramp and senior adviser to the White House, Iwanka Tamp was present at the Business Innovation Awards event in The Hague, the Netherlands.
It was organized to honor the entrepreneurs who provide solutions for issues such as energy, water, communications and health.
Sevcet trend offers a comprehensive contribution to the White House Empowerment Global Empowerment project.
It is a foreign-language exercise that aims to empower women economically.
She was interviewed by Ajay Banga, Executive Manager of MasterCard, the world’s leading credit card company.
She stated that the goal of the project is to reach 50 million women globally by 2025.
The project began with a basic concept of US President Donald Trump.
Critics say it is praiseworthy that Evans Tram’s contribution to his promotion is praiseworthy.
In the meantime, Christina Yorke won the award for the Best Achievement Award from Science and Technology for Global Innovation.
The award ceremony is sponsored by Amazon Microsoft Google Inc. and other leading technology companies.