I was born in London in flat rows. The area was a haven of criminals. These are the flats for rent to the government. I grew up in this apartment. One day I went to see my mother. On that evening, I was ready to give a lecture at a nearby Sri Lanka Buddhist temple. I decided to walk up and walk and give a lecture.
From my mother’s house, I was down the elevator. An elderly man in the ground floor was falling. Her body is wet with blood. She did not seem to have seen anyone’s eye.
“Cement dropped and fell to the ground,” she said. I decided to help this helpless woman. She picked me up and down the elevator from my mother’s apartment. My mother can not see blood.
“You take care of this man,” she said.
I cleaned her and cleaned her blood. At that moment, something wonderful happened. Just like everyone in the blockhouse came there. She was now asking for a little sleep and helped us. This helpless lady is in pain. All those who came came to help her. She had come out in kitchen while cooking. It was at that time. A neighbor ran fast and closed her gas. Another made a phone call to her daughter. The ambulance had also arrived.
The thing I was very interested in was that in one’s distress, all neighbors were united together in trouble. This has an important lesson for us to learn. It’s a great opportunity for you to help, help, or help someone who is loved, loved, and close to you, when it comes to hardships and troubles. On such occasions, we can help one another, show that it is close to trouble in times of trouble.
Humanity is very beautiful. It’s a great opportunity to show this. The first thing that you know about is someone who knows someone you know, and you get some growth. Facing this kind of problem creates some kind of hardening. And there is a certain degree of wisdom. Learning about life’s lessons. Similarly, the neighbors provide us with the opportunity to see how kind of us we are in behalf of a person.
When this happens, we will not control it. But this one understands that this is part of life. Not only that. You also have to open the door of your heart to the pains you have.
When no one in the community suffers, do not disrupt the hearts of those around you. I know that when some people get into trouble, they try to dig into something that causes them to come up with something. Do not ever do such things as the Path of the Sambuddha. Do not blame me for having committed an offense. Do not go to punish .You do not need to burrow and say what happened when a disaster took place. “It happened because these people did not care well” “This happened because of fraud,” etc. Do not waste time looking for reasons. Such a thing is a nature. Instead of wasting time thinking about what to do with the moment of suffering, think about what to do now. To help the distressed, suffering person.