As soon as the name of mosquitoes is remembered, most people are tired of a certain kind of dislike, not sympathy or animal feelings. The main reason is, as we have heard, various types of mosquitoes are responsible for breeding among humans, such as malaria, Dengue and many other threatening and infectious diseases. Worldwide, malaria is causing hundreds of thousands of deaths worldwide.
The number of deaths is significantly higher. It is also reported that in some countries, malaria has been completely eradicated. Current medical treatments have many non-control countries, and are particularly located in the African region. Anopheles gambiae has been known as a conjugate of malaria. Researchers from the Imperial College of the United Kingdom, London, have recently discovered that genes of the genus Anopheles gambiae can be used to extricate genetic engineering techniques.
The researchers used the genetic modification of a genetic tool known as CRISPR / Cas9 to change the gene mechanism of the Anopheles gambiae genome genome. In the past few years, CRISPR / Cas9 technology has been the basis of human genetics (genes, genes, genes, genes, genes, genes, genes, etc.), and a gene is a part of a DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) chain Taking into account the nucleus of a living cell, the genome in its genome Organization to DNA made up of the data group) as he wanted, have been made to control the impulse to handle as intended and needed him. Using this technique, the researchers made some changes in the genome detection gene Anopheles gambiae, a congenital mosquito congestion.
Anopheles gambiae The mosquito, female and male, are determined by the single gene known as doublesex, and until a gene is published, a female mosquito will also receive a male mosquito if it stops genetic expression near the fourth of the gang. As other researchers carried out the above research, a part of the innate DNA was inserted between the gene 4 and 5. It will only produce male mosquitoes and no mosquito breeding will occur.
If the gene-modified mosquitoes are released to the environment, only mosquitoes will be mosquitoes, which will result in sexual intercourse with those mosquitoes. During the reproduction of the population during the 7th to 11th centuries, the species can be permanently eradicated.
As the research is spread all over the world, researchers from multiple insects have not received much welcome from the genetic engineering of the Anopheles gambiae mosquito. Because they emphasize that the genes have changed the Anopheles gambiae mosquito and other mosquitoes will also be extinct. However, as the basic biological knowledge, the organism is a barren animal that produces a genetic process between two species.
Therefore, that argument is not practical. Other researchers, including environmentalists, argued against the above-mentioned process that the mosquito larvae are important for many natural foods, plants, flowers and natural equilibrium. However, any living thing in the world that is naturally inhabited by humans has the right to live here, and if they are destroyed, there is a possibility that we can not influence the environmental equilibrium. However, in addition to these mosquito species, many dengue mosquitoes live in the world because of the significant influence of mosquitoes on the natural aromatic activity on the Anopheles gambiae mosquito that can change the genes.