Let us experience the different generations of the new generations about the risk of being stranded by cyberworld. Many of these ideas are not unrecognized by modern technology and are anti-modern narratives, and they need not be taken lightly. But it is important to maintain good human relationships in human society and to analyze what emerges from these new situations.
Due to the rapid growth of communication technology and the rapidly growing popularity of the communication tool society, the world’s social connections expanded considerably. (Which are never in contact with friends who interact with the Internet), but there is no doubt that this new space has no qualitative improvement relative to rapid expansion (quantitative growth). Therefore, I will take up a topic from here to discuss some other aspect of this subject.
According to a recent news media, those who maintain social networking in the social media network are “happier” than those who maintain social relationships in the real world.
It is not difficult to understand that the outcome is true, but it is not difficult to understand that this outcome is true in our general sense. Because living human relationships are born through rich social connections. Organic ‘Friendship’ is more responsible than the friendly friendships on social networks. For one should be sensitive to one another’s interaction with each other. The other’s response (be it friendly, or antagonistic) is to be concerned.
Many people in the cyberspace do not rely on social, political or cultural issues, nor do they rebuke their voices and impulses or ideas with the right source or with restraint. In fact, the most extremist and committed personalities are hateful in the social media that they are shooting with cyber firearms. We organically do not dispense with such a group of people in the same way. Because we take a few things before we respond to the other’s response.
On the other hand, individuals are fleeing from the challenge of facing society when they get in the way of direct contact with society because of cyber space or social networking like social media. Having a relationship with society is a challenge. Maintaining quality social relationships is a challenge that is a challenge that requires knowledge and social theoretical understanding. Therefore, it is a task that needs to be done. This cyber space is another push for youth with a passionate personality. In the school, at university, at office, in the office, in the mallot, and in dealing with those who deal with it, the social and the individual become isolated.
There are responsibilities and accountability in rich social relationships. We can not ignore each other’s feelings in such social relations. We can not avoid the urgent help in hospice needs. But the potential in cyberspace is that we can avoid them. There we can release our impulse from there.
A simple example can be understood. To be “organically” a person must have a very cruel ‘heart’ to destroy or destroy a group. It will not be ‘easy’. But the cyber space would not be such a ‘hard thing’ to express such a terrible idea. Because the result and the consequence will be far removed from us. Their seriousness or the guilt feelings they are not “close to,” because they are not intimate and immediate responses.