Due to an increase in air pollution, authorities in New Delhi, India’s capital, have shuttered schools and...
Around the world
Journalist Zhan Zhan was condemned to four years in prison in China for leaking information regarding the...
Last night, massive rains pelted Chennai, India’s southernmost metropolis. Due to the continuing rain till yesterday morning,...
From today (08), the United States will open its borders to overseas tourists, eliminating previously imposed travel...
Prices of vital commodities have reportedly soared in Afghanistan as a result of political unrest and a...
Cleo Smith, a four-year-old Australian girl who went missing 18 days ago in Western Australia, has been...
A state court in Alberta, Canada, has found that sending kiwis intentionally constitutes a kind of criminal...
Ex-soldiers have being urged to rejoin the Ethiopian army by the Ethiopian government. According to accounts from...
A new mayor was recently elected in New York City. Eric Adams is his name. He recently...
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced he will not attend next month’s UN COPE 26 climate...