At the age of 30, the world's wealthiest, Bill Gates
A daily income of $ 20 million
People see dreams. But every dream that appears is not true. But this is the story of a man who changed the world and made the dream come true.
Instead of replacing the computer made up of a vast room, he dreamed of transferring every computer to a computer, becoming one of the world’s greatest rich in history. It was Bill Gates, the second of the world’s richest rich people.
Bill Gates is Microsoft’s current chairman.
He was born on October 28, 1955 in Washington, Seattle. He got his father’s name, William Henry Gates. He then promoted himself as Bill Gates. Mother Mary Maxwell. Father is a lawyer. Mother is a schoolteacher. His grandfather is also a Mayor. This family background made him a child in a wealthy family.
Gates for Primary Education was sent to general science. Thereafter, the parents arranged to send Gates to a private school at Lake Side Science, secondary school, in the hope of being a lawyer in the future.
But he was not interested in studying the book. Gates, who was more interested in subjects such as Mathematics, received a computer that was 13 years old. The Gates students can only study on this computer by paying money.
While Gates’ parents who have been born into a wealthy family will pay him money, he will not save any money when going to the computer class. The remedy was recovered by Gates himself. Gates, who made a computer-free method of money, was automatically a computer hacker.
But when the teachers told the principal that Gates did not come from the class room of the school, he also used the computer. The principal questioned Gates and questioned him. The answer he received was astonished by the Principal. Gates had been hacked to use the school computer without any money. Accordingly, Gates is a hacker. The ability of this girl is unusual. When he learned of this, the Principal gave him the opportunity to create a bug in the school computer.
Bill Gates, who was not curious enough to read the book, was able to pass the final exam with an unusual skill, in terms of strength and comprehension. He had owned 1590 out of 1600 marks.
Bill Gates, a talented student, was given the opportunity to study at Harvard University. There he also focused on the subject matter of computer studies. When I was reading a technical journal at University College Bill, Bill saw an advertisement from an agency named Altair. It stated that there was a need for a computer language. Although Bill did not have a computer language at the time, he knew how to do it. Bill immediately gave the company a phone call saying that he had written such a language and would bring it.
Quickly, with his schoolmate Paul Allen, Bill developed his computer programming language day and night. They worked out this computer language day and night using the Harvard University computers. A few days later, Bill and Paul completed it successfully and took it with Mexico to sell it to the company.
His goal was successful. The company that tested the language was willing to buy Bill’s design. At the end, it was called BASIC, which sold for $ 3,000 with the ownership of its copyright.
With the Bill Gates Paul Allen, Microwoft was founded in 1975. His only dream was to provide a computer for every table. Bill Gates announced that the company’s success in generating software that could be used for various computer systems in 1976, was due to the fact that all of them, including all of them, worked hard to make the most of their business by the end of the year.
“We faced everything challenging. The nonsense of the mind is sometimes a dream, but it can be done from a computer on a desk. “Our team was able to make it a reality. That’s the secret of our success. I personally checked all the computer codes I created in the first five years. “Bill says.
1980 was a turning point in the life of Bill Gates. At that time, a giant company in the computer world, IBM, needed a computer operating system. When asked if he had any such operating system, his immediate answer was “Yes”. But he did not already have that. Bill Gates bought the design from an operator who had designed such an operating system in Seattle and sold it to IBM for a profit.
This is the most common operating system MS DOS. In the future, he apparently realized that such operating systems would add value to the financial D, which he captured with his right. IBM has not paid more attention to rights.
Meanwhile, Apple’s founder Steve Jobs was on the lookout. He wanted to build a graphic character instead of the DOS with a black and white letterbox. For this, he discussed with Bill Gates. Bill came to Apple with that invitation. Steve Jobs is not content with Bill when teaming up with a group of Apple to make their assigned job. Nevertheless, Bill did not report to anyone due to his rejection of what had begun.
Later, he published his work Windows as the world’s largest computer world. Bill Gates is the richest person in the world at the age of 39 when he embraces the embrace of the Windows operating system.
Bill Gates, the wealthiest person of the world for many years now, is second only to Jeff Besoz, the second most populous in the world. Economists point out that he was second to the point that he was second to $ 28 billion from his assets for the social welfare of America.
He has made the following statement:
“My greatest joy was developing computer programs. But I also enjoy helping others. It’s a bad thing to have more money than I need. Therefore, it is nice to move towards social welfare activities. My wife receives great support. I think it’s good for the children too. ”
Bill Gates married Melinda Gré Nich, on January 1, 1994, with the heart of the world’s most successful businesswoman, Bill Gates, mindset of her personal life. He has three children in this marriage. Bill Gates’s greatest hugs for reading the book is golfing.
Even though he is the giant of the computer world, he is also keeping his children away from modern technology tools.
“My daughter always says that everyone in her class has a phone. But she did not. It’s a shame. However, some family members have a disciplined life. Children should have childhood. I need to give only what I need for the aging. “By Bill Gates.
Bill Gates will also share his knowledge with the world. In 1995, the book The Road Ahead, which he authored in 1995, was sold seven weeks in a row and ranks first in best selling books.
In his essay “Business At Speed Speed” in 1999, he pointed out how to deal with computer problems. The 25-language translation was widely distributed throughout the world. The income earned from these books has been converted into several nonprofit organizations dedicated to the children he educated.
Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda Gates, formed the “Bill and Melinda Foundation”. A great deal of work has already been done to uplift the health sector.
This amazing man has made a revolutionary change in the computer field and is now dreaming of changing the technology from technology. He is now focusing on several television and radio programs, including telecommunication services, biotechnology, digital photography, mobile telephony, and telecoms.
Established on April 4, 1975, Microsoft’s company has over 135,000 employees. It has over 60 countries in its branch network.
Economists point out that his earnings income is US $ 250, a day’s worth of $ 20 million and $ 7.3 billion a year. If he is considered Bill Gates, he will be at number 37 in the world’s richest state.
Bill Gates’s site and site estimated the site as $ 147.5 million with a large courtyard on a beautiful lake in Washington, DC. The swimming pool is also designed to help you enjoy music even in the water. The library has a collection of Leonardo Dawunchi’s collection.
Bill Gates has a talk in the course of lectures.
“If you do not have a happy client, he is the best way for you to learn. And improvement can not be done without change. If you can not change your heart, you can not change anything in this world. So change the heart. You can change the world. “