“A person must have long association.
A person without a long time
It is a Buddhist idea that a report on good will can not be given. ”
Good good judgment of Buddhism is given priority by giving priority to privacy. The Buddhist measure of good and bad is about a social order. Where privacy is excluded, and the concept of public good is considered.
The Sevartu Sama Sutra has emphasized two people living in society.
Yes, my Lord, I give you what is ruined, and what is more merciful, and whatsoever, the males, the righteous, and the better, the better. Listen well to it. Meditate regularly.
The traits of an unfortunate person
He is a mighty man of the Whites. Takes away ecus. It’s mistaken in the privacy. Lies. Drinking Rahumera. A person of this nature is said to be frustrated.
What’s wrong with you?
He will also lead you. The other person also observes it. (Promoters) takes away the belongings. Adapting it to a person. It’s mistaken in the privacy. The other person also observes it. Lies. Tells the other person to do so. Drinking warmth and resting on other people.
Whole personality traits
He does not begrudge himself. Does not abandon the descent. Does not make mistakes. They do not lie. Rahome Noobi. That person is called a survivor.
What’s the whore?
He does not invade. The value of not taking revenge is explained to others. He does not abandon what he or she does not contribute. The significance of not taking away the ninety things is explained to others. He does not behave in a way that is inappropriate in his lust. It is also used by others. He does not lie either.
It does not make other people lie. He himself will flee away from the swallow. The other person also tries to remove him from his bite.
You will also be included in one type of both of the characteristics that are both safe and wholesome. Sometimes such features can be quantified in some quantity. The goodwill represents the goodwill of the goodwill. It also splits into two. Good and good. You have found people of this nature in your community.
He is a good person if the maturity characteristics of the Sutra are correct. Satpuruṣayeki. However, it is common practice for a society to call the good person a well-spoken, laughing-good person who approves of what you are saying, his own abilities, the one who hears the body and the person who helps him. It’s false.
An opinion. Buddhism emphasizes that they need to carry out further investigations before determining them as a good person. A person must have long association. It is a Buddhist idea that a record of a person’s wellbeing can not be given without a long time. Someone can declare himself as a good person or a good person of the community because of working for society and for his own good.
If true honesty is attempted to mislead people into the right path, the wrongdoers will make him a benevolent. The Buddhism emphasizes that the defects of the others can not be categorized as righteous persons, for their evil motives and for punishing them.
Even though it is common practice to declare that those who do not help him and who do not laugh with him, who does not approve of his evil deeds and who do not admire him in front of him, are so unscrupulous? More importantly, it is more important to adhere to the words described in the Dhamma as well as to admonish words that are bad and worse. What kind of person are you with those characteristics? How many of you are around them? It is up to them to get out of them and to know the person and to live.
Despicable man tempted man is the nature of the man, but the other person also adapts the person who loses his position. It is the worst. According to the above formula, there are also adverse disagreements according to the former. Even though I do not deal with disorder, there are those who incite others to do evil. Although there are no references to such characters in the series, it will provide an insight into their identity.