The World Health Organization (WHO) tells people around the world to ‘think twice before celebrating Christmas’
Over the past week, 73% of people in the United States have been infected with omicchron, according to the latest data from CNN.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the Omicron variety is spreading faster in the country than the Delta variety.
In light of these data, US President Joe Biden is due to make a special statement on the rapid spread of the Delta variety and the new Omicron variant, which have so far been identified as the worst strains of the Covid virus.
The first case of omicchronone in the United States was reported in the state of Texas on Monday, and the state Department of Public Health confirmed that the man had been infected with the virus twice before and had not been vaccinated against the virus.
Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned people around the world to think twice before celebrating Christmas. The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued the warning in the wake of the rapidly growing new omicchron variant of the Kovid virus.
The World Health Organization (WHO)’s Director-General Tedros has said in a statement that it would be better to cancel a festival before a life is over.