About ten years ago, if your friend said “I’m looking at the next film, I’m using artificial intelligence”, you will laugh at him. Such a science brings us to science of science, or not a prophecy. But today it’s a technique for many day-to-day activities such as buying a book, choosing a movie, translating something in a language we do not know in our language.
Also, the next stage of technology determines the design of ‘Snapdas machines’ and the successful use of man’s service. The largest financial investment is invested in research in the IT field for the artificial intelligence (also known as AI, often AI) and related technologies.
There are many instances where artificial intelligence is already being used in our day-to-day activities, and in the next decade, human life will be changed to be irreversible.
The advance of artificial intelligence is that we have not only come up with a new technique, it is the evolution of life on the earth and the third chapter of humanity, “said Max Tropmarck, a scientist from the Life 3.0 concept. According to the idea, the first stage of man’s historical development took very slowly to his biological development.
The second is the cultural development of a man who is educated. Thirdly, the artificial intelligence built up by man’s intelligence enhances the capability of human intelligence.
Man’s Discovery?
There is a wide variety of notion that artificial intelligence will have an impact on human survival. Some believe it will make it easier for human life to use man’s time more creative. Others think that the end of human civilization will begin with the creation of artificial intelligence that can overpower man’s intellectual abilities.
For example, the book Our Finished Invention, published by American writer James Bert in 2013, suggests that if artificial intelligence can be drawn to human intelligence, it will gradually develop beyond human intelligence.
The main theme of the book by Bereth is to point out that the ability of machines to overpower human intelligence can be a challenge to human existence. From all this it can be seen that artificial intelligence is a very important subject field and it is necessary to know about it. So, it’s important for us to understand what artificial intelligence is, identifying the opportunities and challenges that it poses.
Mass master data base
Mechanical construction of human intelligence is mainly based on the collection of a large database and the processing of identical patterns of human thought. It mainly implements such data patterns and predicts a new situation.
Accordingly, if you want to develop artificial intelligence, the data is highly needed. So far, the creation of a vast array of data has been started by human beings. It is the production of a personal computer, the ability to communicate with large data, and the craving for mobile phones and IT leaps. It is a major component of social networking sites and huge videos and photos.
In a letter in Forbes magazine, Business Writer Bernard Marn, the writer pointed out that the data we produced in the past two years has exceeded the total human civilization’s data so far. In the twenty first century, humans produce huge amounts of data and have accumulated and accumulated large data bases. These vast data reserves have not yet come to human history.
Compared with the way in which the knowledge and human communications accumulated up to the twentieth century, “when digitally-based communications and data storage are presently in fact, it is truly the beginning of a new era.
By remembering that knowledge about five thousand years ago, all knowledge, from generation to generation, was flowing through the texts of the Bible, not as it were in the texts of Papacy and Othman. Especially, this knowledge was organized according to poetry or singing patterns, so as to be easy to remember, and organized, on the other hand, as tales.
These two methods were easier to remember and to tell others. But when the beginning of the document occurred, it was possible to gradually record the knowledge, and thus long line and pecamentary format began. However, the introduction of human knowledge in the document became more and more rapid.
A major advance for the acquisition of human knowledge is the creation of a German Gutenberg printing press in 1440. However, Gutenberg’s printing press had made printing upside-down, making it possible to print thousands of copies of one of the books by pressing it.
Before that happened, the production of duplicates by a person was reprocessed by a person in each book. The printing has helped to produce large volumes of books, but today, the human period has passed the books. Indeed, digital data, which has been built up by the late 20th century, is merely a vast database of merely letters, images and motion pictures.
All the books in the world are in your bag
Consider, for example, Google Books, the world’s largest digital library. Google estimated that the total number of books in all languages of the world is 130 million. By August 2015, 25 million scanning (scanning) scans of 25 million different books in various countries of the world were stored.
According to that calculation, if all the books of the world are put into one database tool, 54 tera bytes will be needed. That is, currently only 1 TB database is available in the market.
They can all be carried in a school bag. In fact, let’s consider the number of daily data collected by facebook (facebook) on a daily basis. Six days ago, the TechCrunch website wrote that the data on the facebook only exceeds 500 TB per day for text, photos and videos. The idea is that in one day, the amount of data that is added to the facet is ten times more than the number of books it has ever written.
Therefore, the data collected in the Internet and other computer systems on a daily basis have provided all the options available to humans. The Big Data Revolution implies a huge amount of data on modern data. It is to filing, analyzing and utilizing various data for human purposes. It’s better to handle such large data than human labor. Therefore, for today, more emphasis is placed on computer training for this purpose.
There are two aspects of artificial intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is a concept that has changed from time to time. But in the midst of all these changes, the core of the change was the creation of machines that could be thought of as human.
It is necessary to follow and imitate what human beings do in order to create machines that can work like man. The uniqueness of man is that he can observe his environment, gain information and come to an interpretation of the world. Later, man uses humans to change the world at his discretion, constructing data derived from the external world.
Thus, artificial intelligence is the same machine that can be imitated by the abstract, creative and vigilant thoughts of man. It’s done using a computer’s binary logic.
There are two main aspects of artificial intelligence. For some specific work, it is possible to use artificial intelligence and imitate the general human intellect. Artificial intelligence is already being used in a range such as that of a particular person’s genetic data, and therefore, how many people have a certain risk of developing a disease.
It was specially trained artificial intelligence used for this purpose. We call it ‘Applied AI’. It is done, only for the same purpose, that creates artificial intelligence. Such intelligence can not be used for any other purpose.
The other aspect of artificial intelligence is the development of common sense, which can be used to learn to do any work that is truly powerful man.
A machineized testimony of such a wisdom similar to that of man’s possession is known as Generalized AI. Software based on customer behavior data, software based on his or her or his future prospect forecasts (which movie he sees, which shoes he will buy, social media news etc.) are often based on imitating such common sense It’s on artificial intelligence.
The translation of the translation into the factory, the fact that there are some errors in the products made in the factory, which may be the product of speculation, or which customers may be fraudulent in some business, are also using the common artificial intelligence.
chandasiri soysa