Foreign media reports that the people of India have joined the Vesak day celebration.
Wesak celebrations are held every year on the full moon Poya day.
The Vesak Poya which is remembered by the Buddha’s so-called “India” is called “Buddha Purnima”.
Buddhist devotees were present at the celebrations.
Buddhist people live in several regions including Kashmir Ladaq in the North East, and in the Sikhim region.
Their idolatry shows that there are obvious differences in their creeds and customs.
Today, the number of Theravada Buddhists in India is minimal.
But the Indian government has declared Buddha’s New Year as a holiday for Buddhists in most of the provinces.
During the Buddha Purnima or vesak day, Buddhists of the Buddhas went to the temple premises and contributed to the Dharma Hands Pranam.
The Buddha’s pre-feast is also part of the Buddha’s pre-eminence celebrations, including the release of animals from the animal kingdom and the release of caged animals during the month.