The International Cricket Council (ICC) has announced a $ 1.6 million prize money (Rs. 32 million) for the 2021 T20 World Cup Cricket Championships.
The International Cricket Council (ICC) has announced a cash prize of US $ 800,000 or Rs. 160 million for the runners-up and US $ 4 million for the two teams that lose in the semi-finals.
There are 16 teams participating in the 2021 World Cup Cricket Tournament, of which 8 teams will play in a qualifying round under two categories, with two teams from each group qualifying for the Super 12 round.
The four teams that do not qualify for the Super 12 round will be awarded $ 40,000 each, or Rs. 8 million each.
Eight teams will be eliminated in the Super 12 round, and arrangements will be made to distribute $ 70,000 each, or Rs. 1.4 million * each.
Accordingly, the total value of prize money to be distributed among the teams of the tournament is US $ 5.6 million or around Rs. 112 lakhs.
The International Cricket Council (ICC) has also announced a two – minute, 30 – second break at the end of 10 overs in each innings of the tournament.
Sri Lanka will also play in the qualifiers for the 2021 T20 World Cup in Cricket, while the other three teams in Group A representing Sri Lanka are Ireland, the Netherlands and Namibia.
Also, for the first time, a refereeing system will be used in a Twenty20 World Cup.
Vithivi had not been used in previous 20-20 World Cup cricket matches and Vithivi was first used for 20-20 matches in 2017 and the last 20-20 World Cup was held in 2016. Each team has a maximum of two wickets in an innings.