The Dhammachakkappavatana Sutta discourse was given on the full moon day of the full moon on the full moon day. At the end of this sermon to the Lord Brahma including the five feet of the Lord Buddha during difficult times, the hair of the Kandakkas is on the sovereign fruit, and the other four become sovereigns for four consecutive days. Therefore, the Buddha spent his first three years on the full moon day on the full moon of the Esala Festival and commenced his first Dhamma sermon at the Isipathanaaramaya, Baranasa. Therefore, the full moon day of the Esala Full Moon Poya day is considered as the day when the Buddha commenced his first year.
Soon after the Siddhartha Buddhas attained enlightenment, thousands of lay and ordained disciples of the Supreme Buddha had gathered. Dambadiva’s popularity began to spread not only in Dambadiva Central but also in other parts of the country. By the time the Buddha was in the world, the Buddha’s preaching of the truth to the world was deteriorating among the masses of people who had professed various ideas and deceived their loyal followers. Many Brahmin scholars became obedient disciples of the Lord Buddha. Therefore, there were some who acted unfairly to the Supreme Buddha, insulted the Lord Buddha, and even aimed at causing harm to the life of the Buddha. Some philosophers were acting against him in a great way, misrepresenting his disciples.
In the meantime, at the beginning of the tree, the Thera conducted a Yamaha to dismantle the dimension of the Tirthas, dismantling the dimension of the Tirtha and showing the splendor of Buddha’s power. The day is also a full moon day in the Esala Pavilion. Our Lord Buddha, who had come to the Divine world to spend the seventh year of the Yamaha Pranayama, said that His Majesty Mahamaya, who was born on the seventh day of Lord Buddha’s birth on the seventh day, was present to the Mother of God. Our Lord Buddha had taken steps to preach Abhidhamma The full moon day is another important consideration.
In the meantime, we all know that the Lord Buddha was bestowed on a full moon day. That was 2563 years ago. So after the Lord Buddha’s death there were many laymen who acted in awe. In the meantime, there were some people who were very intoxicated with the idea that by virtue of his coronation, they were now able to live freely and freely in any way they wished. Such a monk who was ordained to the Supreme Buddha himself called himself Subhadra. So this bhikkhu began to organize against the pure Theravada bhikkhus by gathering a group of his supporters and speaking to him about the offering of the Buddha. He was deeply disturbed when he learned of the Mahakasya Maha Arahaya who was living in a forest in the snow. In the short time after the Lord Buddha’s arrival, King Ajasaththa, who was then king of the kingdom, sought to eliminate the situation by quickly realizing that the Buddha Sasana could be erupted by the people who would soon defile this pure Sambuddha Sasana. He stressed the need to conduct a Dharma Sangayana as soon as possible. In order to save this Sasana from the Dusilas, the Buddha Dhamma did not disappear. Thus, exactly three months after the Sambuddha Parinirvana, on the full moon day of Nikini, arrived. Therefore, the Maha Nayaka Thero, the chief prelate who initiated the preparations to perform this noble deed on the full moon day of Nikini, was the preparatory step to conduct the first Dhamma Sasana. .
Next we focus on the specialty of the Esala Poya with regard to the history of Sasana in Sri Lanka. One of the most important aspects of the Buddha Sasana was the establishment of a boundary discipline. Arahat Mahinda came to Sri Lanka In the year 236. It is on the full moon day of Poson. So it was not long before the people came to understand what the noble Dhamma of the Supreme Buddha taught us, because he had come and preached the doctrines of the Sutras. As a result Buddhism began to spread rapidly in this country. The king’s patronage was the same as it was necessary. Therefore, since there was no discipline at the time for the first disciple of Sri Lanka, including the Venerable Thero, the first platoon was adopted on the full moon day. The term limit is a small enough limit to discipline a group of twenty-one or less ordained monks. It is also considered the smallest limit within a large range. Moreover, the Upasampada discipline of the fifty-four friends, including Prince Aritta, was performed on the full moon day of Esala in Thumburu. In the meantime, King Phaethis II made a Kantaka chaitya and performed it for the first time on a full moon day on the full moon day.
Unique to the Ratnamali Chaitya industry In the year 283, under the auspices of King Dutugemunu, it was restored. It is very important that this great event happened on the full moon day of the Esala. Also, the most important event of the Rathnamali Chaitya, the Dhatu Nirvana Nidhanaya, which was to be remembered with great reverence, took place on the full moon day of Uthrasala on the full moon day. We have heard that the sacred relics were carrying out many great miracles. The story of the relics that had come to Sri Lanka from the time of the birth of the Buddha to the Buddha’s Dhamma and the procession of the Chaitya is considered a marvelous event that enhances the devotion of the devotees.
Meanwhile, a very significant event in the history of our Sasana is that he and Hemamala and Dantha Kumara were married to the Buddha. On the day of King Kithsirimevan, who ruled Sri Lanka in the year 847, the arrival of our Lord Buddha to the Sri Dalada Maligawa from Kalinga country. From this point onwards, the sacred Dalada Perahera is initiated to pay homage to the Tooth Relic and to protect the Dalada Perahera even when the kingdoms are shifting. Even today the Kumbal Perahera and the Randoli Perahera are held in Kandy as the Mahaperahera, centering on the full moon full moon day. In addition, the Esala Poya is held as a tribute to the deities such as Natha, Skandakumara, Pattini and Kataragama, who are revered by the people of Sri Lanka, and for the rain and prosperity of the country.